Benefits and Privileges for Residents of Technoparks in Uzbekistan

Benefits and Privileges for Residents of Technoparks in Uzbekistan

Software and Information Technology Park (IT-PARK).

  • Tax:
    • Until 1 January 2028:
      • exemption from all kinds of taxes.
      • the income tax rate for employees of Technopark residents is 7.5%.
    • Until 1 January 2025:
      • Income in the form of dividends of Technopark residents - individuals and legal entities, will be subject to a 5% rate of personal income tax (against the usual 10%).
  • Customs:
    • Until 1 January 2028, under the approved lists (except for customs clearance) for imported equipment, component parts, units, technological documentation, and software not produced in Uzbekistan, exempt from customs fees (except for customs clearance - available here in Uzbek).

  • Land - None.
  • Other:
    • Promotion of Technopark’s residents IT products abroad by the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan;
    • Payment of dividends and salaries to foreigners in the cashless foreign currency form within the income accrued from the export of goods (works, services);
    • Export of works and services in foreign currency through online stores without the conclusion of an export contract.
    • Foreign investors, IT specialists, and founders (participants) of Technopark’s residents have the right to obtain a multi-entry three-year visa with unlimited extensions without having to leave Uzbekistan.

“Yashnabad” Innovative Technopark.

  • Tax:
    • Exemption from land tax and property tax in respect of residents of the Technopark.
    • Until 1 August 2025, the turnover tax rate is fixed at 1%.
  • Customs:
    • Exemption from customs fees (except for customs clearance fees and VAT) for imported equipment, raw materials, reagents, components, and construction materials not produced in Uzbekistan under the approved lists(available here in Uzbek).
  • Land:
    • Provision of land plots in Yashnabad District of Tashkent city to residents of the Technopark for organizing innovative production and “start-ups” for permanent use (through online auctions).
    • Provision of scientific and production premises for lease, including labs, design offices, pilot factories, maintenance complexes, as well as unused premises owned by the state.
  • Other:
    • Commercial banks are advised to provide soft loans for innovative projects implemented in the Technopark for up to 7 years, with a two-year grace period, with an interest rate not exceeding 50% of the established refinancing rate (currently – 16%).
    • Banks are allowed to accept as collateral the purchased (created) equipment of residents, as well as the guarantee (surety) of the Directorate of “Yashnabad” Technopark.

Inno Technopark.

  • Tax:
    • Full exemption from all types of taxes, (except for social tax).
  • Customs:
    • Exemption from customs fees (except for customs clearance fees) for imported equipment, component parts, units, technological documentation, and software not produced in Uzbekistan, under the approved lists, (available here in Uzbek).
  • Land - None.

“Chirchik” Chemical-Industrial Technopark.

  • Others:
    • Provision by the State Fund for Support of Entrepreneurial Activity:
      • guarantees as part of the implementation of investment projects, including up to 50% of the amount of bank loans allocated to supplement working capital, but in an amount not exceeding UZS 8 billion;
      • compensation to cover interest expenses on loans allocated for the implementation of investment projects in the national currency in the amount exceeding the prevalent rate of the Central Bank, but not more than 5%.